2012 End of Year Ministry Story

Mendi Town Church, SHP, 2012.

EOYM, organize by Mendi Embassy

Held at the church ground at Mendi Town (Wakwak). The meeting itself was a whole new level for the ministry. The congregation with the church pastor was amazed at the level the boys presented the gospel. Three souls where baptized at the meeting’s end, two (2) of which were ETS members; Rex Essau and Charlie Balil.

Kongop Church, WHP, 2012

EOYM, open air, organize by former ETS Tony Kema & Kongop Church

2012 mark ETS’s 20 years of doing ministry. And Kongop was the Church chosen for marking this event; for this was the church that ETS conducted its first meeting 20 years ago. Seven souls where baptized into God’s kingdom after the meeting. ETS’s also thank there individual parents, mentors, and others who have being supportive throughout the ministry’s existence. A big thanks, glory and honour to our Heavenly Father for his infinite mercies that have kept the ministry this far.

2012 End of Year Ministry Gallery